We are pretty much set to go. Ava's bag is packed, her clothes and sheets are washed, My bag is mostly packed (just missing a few things I use every day and can't yet part with), Birth plan is done, we are pre-admitted and car seat goes in on Tuesday.
Are we ready to meet our daughter? YES!!!!!!!
Am I ready to go through the whole labor process? NO!!!!
I admit there are days I am rip roaring ready to go and then there are other days I am scared outta my socks. I think this has to be normal with the first one and once things are in action I will be fine, it's just getting to that point.
My whole pregnancy has been easy compared to others I have spoken with so I hope it continues in the labor room.
We have our next appointment this Tuesday where, again supposedly, they will finally do the tests they keep telling me about and check me for dilation. Apparently from this point on I go in every week which will be both exciting and frustrating since it is such a long drive for a five minute appointment. I will keep you all updated on the results of the tests and whether or not I am dilated.
Just as a reminder, both Vic and I have Blackberries so all hospital pictures and pictures of the baby will be up on facebook before they are on this site. So once you get the text/call/e-mail that we are going to the hospital look there for updates. Love you all!