I am still only 1 cm dilated and 25% effaced. The doctor said at least another week of baking in her professional opinion. So here is a run down of what I learned today:
My blood pressure has been steadily going up....what does this mean? I may be at risk for Preeclampsia.
http://www.preeclampsia.org/about.asp. If my Blood pressure keeps going up and I go into labor then they will run some blood tests and urine sampe to see if I need magnesium during labor.
I also have noticed decreased fetal movement but after 30 minutes of monitoring, Ava is healthy, her heartbeat was between 130-150's which is good and she had lots of movement tracked. They were also able to see my contractions which there were 4 of them during this time.
I also had an ultrasound today where they checked her fluid in the sac. Apparently the deal is that they take the largest and deepest sac and as long as there are 2 cm of fluid on all sides we are good. Not only did she have two deep pockets but one measured the normal requirements and one was 4-6 cm on all sides. So she is good in that department.
She is head down and locked and loaded. Apparently even while engaged she can still rotate around to be sunnyside up or down so we still aren't sure which way she will come out but at least she is head down!
If I am still the same next week and Ava is still not wanting to come out we will talk about induction.
So what does all this really mean? It means I have a butterball turkey in the oven and while done it's just not ready to come out.
I will post a 40 week picture soon. As always love you guys!